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Work with the command line

Enigma Protector can be used to protect files through the command line. The command line of versions enigma32.exe or enigma64.exe is located in the installation folder.

  • To load the project file into Enigma Protector: for x86 version - Enigma32g.exe Project.enigma, for x64 version - Enigma64.exe Project.enigma64
  • To start the protection, use the console version:
    Version Example
    Enigma Protector x86 (for protecting 32-bit files) enigma32.exe [options] project.enigma
    Enigma Protector x64 (for protecting 64-bit files) enigma64.exe [options] project.enigma64
    project.enigma/project.enigma64 is the Enigma Protector project file.

    The following options can be used:
    • -q enables quiet protection mode, all messages are supressed
    • -qe enables quiet protection mode, all messages are supressed except error messages
  • Build a Virtual Box package with console version using template file:
    Version Example
    Enigma Protector x86 enigma32.exe [options] project.enigma package.evb.template package.dat
    Enigma Protector x64 enigma64.exe [options] project.enigma64 package.evb.template package.dat
    Project.enigma is the Enigma Protector project file.

    The following options can be used: