EP_RegKeyInformationWEP_RegKeyInformationW extracts internal information from the registration key. Please note, this function cannot be used to verify registration, this function just extracts information from a particular pair of registration name and key. To verify the program registration, the functions like EP_RegCheckKey, EP_RegLoadAndCheckKey and EP_RegCheckAndSaveKey should be used. Parameters
TKeyInformation contains the following members:
Return ValueIf the function fails, the return value is 0. If the function succeeds, the return value is not zero and the TKeyInformation structure contains information extracted from the passed registration key. RemarkThe function fails in the following cases:
typedef struct TKeyInformation { BOOL Stolen; // {out} is key stolen DWORD CreationYear; // {out} key creation year DWORD CreationMonth; // {out} key creation month DWORD CreationDay; // {out} key creation day BOOL UseKeyExpiration; // {out} has key expiration date? DWORD ExpirationYear; // {out} key expiration year DWORD ExpirationMonth; // {out} key expiration month DWORD ExpirationDay; // {out} key expiration day BOOL UseHardwareLocking; // {out} hardware locked key BOOL UseExecutionsLimit; // {out} limit key by executions? DWORD ExecutionsCount; // {out} number of executions BOOL UseDaysLimit; // {out} limit key by days? DWORD DaysCount; // {out} number of days BOOL UseRunTimeLimit; // {out} limit key by run time? DWORD RunTimeMinutes; // {out} run time minutes BOOL UseGlobalTimeLimit; // {out} limit key by global time? DWORD GlobalTimeMinutes; // {out} global time minutes BOOL UseCountyLimit; // {out} limit key by country? DWORD CountryCode; // {out} country code BOOL UseRegisterAfter; // {out} register key after date? DWORD RegisterAfterYear; // {out} register after year DWORD RegisterAfterMonth; // {out} register after month DWORD RegisterAfterDay; // {out} register after day BOOL UseRegisterBefore; // {out} register key before date? DWORD RegisterBeforeYear; // {out} register before year DWORD RegisterBeforeMonth; // {out} register before month DWORD RegisterBeforeDay; // {out} register before day BOOL EncryptedSections[NUMBER_OF_CRYPTED_SECTIONS]; // {out} Crypted sections } TKeyInformation, *PKeyInformation; extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) __stdcall BOOL EP_RegKeyInformationW(wchar_t* AName, wchar_t* AKey, PKeyInformation AKeyInfo);
See function examples in the installation folder, Examples\KeyInformation subfolder. |