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EP_RegLoadKeyEx function serves for reading of the registration information (name and key). This function should be used instead of deprecated EP_RegLoadKey. The place and path where the registration information will be stored should be defined in REGISTRATION FEATURES - Registration data storing panel.


  • Name - pointer to the buffer that receives registration name. If the UNICODE Registration Scheme is used in REGISTRATION FEATURES - Common panel then Name buffer contains unicode string otherwise ansi string (without null terminator)
  • NameLen - receives a size in bytes of the Name buffer. Returns the required or passed to Name buffer number of bytes
  • Key - pointer to the buffer that receives registration key. If the UNICODE Registration Scheme is used in REGISTRATION FEATURES - Common panel then Key buffer contains unicode string otherwise ansi string (without null terminator)
  • KeyLen - receives a size in bytes of the Key buffer. Returns the required or passed to Key buffer number of bytes

Return Value

The function returns one of the following values:

Value Description
LOADKEY_SUCCEEDED = 0; Registration information loaded successfully
LOADKEY_REGINFONOTFOUND = 1; Registration information is not found
LOADKEY_NAMEBUFFERTOOSMALL = 2; Buffer for registration name is too small
LOADKEY_KEYBUFFERTOOSMALL = 3; Buffer for registration key is too small


The function just reads the registration information, it does not verify key validation. To make sure you have the correct pair of registration name/key, you must manually check the key validatation by means of EP_RegCheckKey, or use the combine function EP_RegLoadAndCheckKey.


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function EP_RegLoadKeyEx(Name : pointer; var NameLen : Cardinal; Key : pointer; var KeyLen : Cardinal) : Cardinal; stdcall;

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