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Limitation by Days Count

Limitation Of Days Count

Use limitation by days count - check this box to enable the respective function. The main idea of this function is to limit the trial period by count of days the protected application will work since the first execution. The maximum number of days must be defined in the respective field before protection of the program module.

On the first execution of the protected module a special record is created in the Windows registry. This record contains the number of days the protected module operates. When the protected module is started, The Enigma Protector loader checks this value. If it is greater then the maximum limit, the execution of the program module is stopped.

You can check limitation parameters during program module execution with the help of Enigma API. Use the EP_TrialDays function to get the total and remaining count of executions. To reset the trial period you can use the functions of registration key verification. If The Enigma Protector loader detects a valid registration key in the system, the trial period will be reset.

Note: To prevent setting the system clock backward use the TrialControl->TimeControl function.

Terminate execution after (seconds) - if the trial period is expired, the execution of the program module will be stopped after X seconds. If this parameter is set equal to zero, the execution of the module stops before the deciphering and executing of the main code of the module.

Show Message before termination - check this box if it is necessary to inform the user that the trial period is expired and the execution of the module will be stopped. You can edit the content of the message by clicking the "Design Message" button. If this fucntion is disabled, the execution of the program module will be stopped without any notifications.